Tips how to clean your Glasses

Cleaning your glasses doesn’t have to be a time consuming or tedious task. Below is the quickest and most effective way to properly clean your lenses without accidentally scratching or damaging them. For cleaning on the go.

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Place your glasses in the sink and run them under a gentle stream of warm water. Avoid very hot water since it can damage the lens coatings.

  • Add one drop of mild soap without moisturizers to the tips of your fingers.

  • Lather the soap on each side of the lenses. Rub all parts of the frame for a few seconds, including the nose pads, ends of the temples, and the edge of the lens where it meets the frame, since skin oils and dust tend to hide in small crevasses.

  • Set your glasses aside and wash your hands to remove excess soap. This will ensure oils from your fingers won’t end up on your lenses during the rinsing process.

  • Rinse your glasses under warm water. Continue rinsing until all visible film is gone. Again, make sure to avoid very hot water so that you don’t damage the lens coatings.

  • Shake your glasses to remove the excess water. There’s no need to over-dry them.

  • Pass a clean cloth over the edges of your frames to remove any remaining moisture. You should use the cloth to remove any remaining smudges. (You can also use a cloth that has not been laundered with fabric softener or a dryer sheet.)


  • Don’t use your shirt (or clothing in general) to clean your glasses. The dust and debris on fabrics can scratch your lenses.

  • Don’t use paper towels or tissues to clean your glasses. These materials are too rough for your lenses and can cause small scratches. Dish towels or other fabrics that can trap dust and debris may also scratch the lenses.

  • Avoid using household cleaning products to clean your lenses. Cleaning products usually contain harsh ammonia-based chemicals that can destroy the protective coating on your lenses.

  • Don’t leave your glasses out on the bathroom counter when getting ready. Hairspray and beauty products can get on your lenses and damage the protective coating.

  • Never try to buff out a scratch. Attempting to buff your lenses will only result in more scratches and damage. Take your glasses to a professional if you have a scratch that you need to remove.

  • Don’t leave your glasses in the car on a hot or cold day. Extreme heat or cold can damage lens coatings and also may change the frame shape.

Article ©BY ZENNI OPTICAL SEP 09, 2016. All rights reserved. Reproduction other than for one-time personal use is strictly prohibited.

Corona Vision